Laura Macky Photography

Journey of a body on this earth

Fort Cronkhite


Standing on the edge of the Pacific Coast the other morning, it was so clear I could see Fort Cronkhite from way atop of the Marin Headlands.  I just couldn’t believe how clear it was.

Fort Cronkhite is a former World War II military post and today is one of the few preserved examples of a World War II “mobilization post” remaining in the country.  The fort’s barracks, mess halls, supply buildings, and other structures are preserved to tell the story of the soldiers who waited here for an enemy that never came.

Hope you all have a good Monday. 🙂



Author: lauramacky

Journey of a Body on this Earth

22 thoughts on “Fort Cronkhite

  1. Fantastic photo, Laura, you captured the crystal clarity so well. 🙂

  2. Great photo and post Laura 🙂

  3. Like this landscape (?) with sea – interesting blog Laura

  4. so beautiful.

  5. It is hard to imagine the enormity of that event, hard to understand the deep and lasting impact it had on people without living through it.

  6. I’ve never been there… Isn’t there a narrow tunnel to get there?

  7. Great shot, Laura. It’s a neat place to wander around.

  8. Fascinating, Laura! It is open to the public? A museum?
    (it always reassures me when great distances are seen … i so worry about the environment)

  9. i like your Xmas ‘home’ photo too.

  10. This is one of my favorite places to go, and a favorite view. If you are interested in more about it, John Martini, of the Golden Gate Parks Conservancy, does fascinating walks and talks. I understood World War II much more because of his tour.

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