Laura Macky Photography

Journey of a body on this earth

Fog Wave


As a continuation of our Mt. Diablo tour, this one was taken looking south east where the fog was the heaviest.  I was amazed to see the fog creating a wave-like effect over one of the hills in the valley.

Fog Wave

Fog Wave

Author: lauramacky

Journey of a Body on this Earth

69 thoughts on “Fog Wave

  1. Great over view captured perfectly.

  2. Why does fog and mountains go together so well like cream and hot chocolate?

  3. Looking across the Valley toward the Sierras? I will never miss driving in pea soup fog! Love how you captured the density of that fog.

    • More toward Tracy/Livermore area. And I know what you mean about the fog. oddly enough It was just a layer. Once we went down the mountain, it was only hazy and we could see the fog above us.

  4. Fog ranks very high among my favorite atmospheric phenomena, and this is a real beauty. Your analogy is so appropriate–the similarity of the movement of low clouds and fog to that of water is endlessly fascinating. Happy solstice, Laura!

    • Oh I’m so glad you like this fog image and the way I described it. I love it too and since it happens a lot around here, I should get out more to take the pics. I guess when it’s always there, sometimes I forget that it’s an interesting thing to view. Thank you! Happy Holidays!

  5. my mind can relate
    to it’s foggyness, this morning 🙂

  6. breath taking

  7. Great shot! Whipped cream .. 🙂

  8. I suppose we shouldn’t be surprised to see fog behave like water….

  9. Very beautiful, Laura😊.

  10. Beautiful capture. It has a mysterious feeling.

  11. Wow, how fab is that…..great shot!

  12. looks like the end of the world is coming …….. very nice

  13. Ms L… always, a beautifully haunting image……blessing to ya…j

  14. Wonderful photo and your description made me study it further and it looks like a wave. Very cool and great in black and white, Laura.

  15. Ok I said I wasn’t but I have too. You photography over these last few months has risen to a new level. Your works have made me stop mid scroll and just absorb everything in them. I can’t think of any words that describe what I see….

    • Wow thank you so much Pete! I’m so happy you think this. I’ve really been trying to find my own voice through my photos. You always have a special place in my blogging heart because you are one of my earliest followers. Merry Christmas. Enjoy those grandkids!

  16. Quite a mesmerizing image, Laura!

  17. That wave is incredible!

  18. Beautiful photo. Almost an “unreal” looking feeling it gives. Very nice. 🙂

  19. This is stunning. Among your best work!

  20. Stunning!

  21. Lovely capture! That wave really adds to the feeling that this isn’t an image of clouds, but of wild, crashing waves rolling up a beach.

  22. All my years in the Vancouver area, and I can’t remember a fog bank comparable to that. Maybe I need to get out more.

  23. Fog wave is an accurate description. Splendid shot!

  24. It certainly looks like a wave breaking on rocks doesn’t it?

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