Laura Macky Photography

Journey of a body on this earth

Deja Vu


Ahhh….going out to take photos before sunset is such a wonderful feeling for me.  I went to a local old, vacant restaurant on top of a hill to get a good look at the valley the other evening.  It was perfect!  The clouds were amazing, the light was starting to look nice and I was framing images, seeking which would be best for a nice sunset.  It was so peaceful being “at one” with nature…the birds chirping, the sun rays beginning to dance on the foliage…and then a HORDE of people???

I look up and a stream of people were coming back to the area where I was at and politely asked me to leave because a wedding rehearsal was about to begin.  Seriously???  AGAIN????   I just got kicked out of a church the other day because a wedding was going to start which stunted my photography experience and now I’m being kicked out yet again.  Evidently they used the old restaurant as an event center because of the fabulous views.  As one of my blogging friends said….maybe it’s a sign that I should be doing wedding photography…with a smiley face at the end.  Bah!  Like that’s going to happen any time soon, lol.

I think this was the best of what I got before I got the boot.  The whole thing did make me laugh.

Into the Sun

Into the Sun

Author: lauramacky

Journey of a Body on this Earth

122 thoughts on “Deja Vu

  1. Stunning image, laura! My sympathies with the churches though… I’ve had to do a lightning raid more than once …

  2. Great composition–I’m there!

  3. So great, love these images!!

  4. Certainly a worthy shot for your time and trip. Wedding photographer is not my thing either – way too much stress. For those who are good at it…more power to them.
    The backlighting really makes the foreground stand out with their little halos – which help to draw the eye to the center of the frame – not instinctively to the lighter area of sunshine..

  5. Absolutely stunning Laura.

  6. I don’t know, these couples that want to get married……no consideration 😉. Love the image, wonderful use of a restricted tonal range and great light.

  7. Wow, that picture is really fantastic!

  8. Just beautiful my dear.

  9. Laura, is this the natural light or did you use sepia tone? Well done!

  10. I cannot tell you enough what a delight your photos give me. Pure art! 🙂

  11. A beautiful calm image, love the back lighting on the Pampas 🙂

  12. Ethereal. Superb stuff Laura

  13. Really nice image. While wedding photography may be an unwanted career direction, perhaps this is a sign that you have the instincts of a high-end Location Scout. People pay you money, you tell them where to go;-)

  14. OK, come on, now, ‘fess up. You sneaked those pretty grass-head thingies out in the folds of your medieval gown from the last wedding party and casually planted them here just so, to create the (absolutely) perfect foreground for this (absolutely) classic dreamlike image. That much is clear. One thing puzzles me, though, how big a fog machine did you have to rent to get that misty impression in the near-background? No, no, it’s too big for that–you must have rented a crop-dusting airplane…and then waited for the turbulence to calm down…and shoot before it all dissipated… Ah, well, I wish I had the budget for all the roadies you cart around with you to help you to get these (absolutely) lovely images. Oh, and by the way, this one’s a real beaut, Laura!

  15. You’ve captured a very mysterious looking scene. You would almost expect some bad guys to pop out of the bushes.

  16. Beautiful photography Laura, but really? Can they actually kick you out of a parking lot?????

  17. OMG…what is it with you and weddings, lol.
    I love the tone of this image. It really sets a nice warm mood. Bravo dear friend 🙂

  18. Dreamy and beautiful. vw

  19. Getting kicked out of places seems to be something we have in common!

  20. Stunning shot! Beautifully processed!

  21. “Bah! Like that’s going to happen any time soon, lol.”

    Laura, I do love your attitude.

    You may know (or not, if you have not read my “By Way of Introduction” page), that my father was a physician. But more important: he was a semi-professional magician and Renaissance Faire performer, and President of the TAOM (Texas Association of Magicians).


    Magicians usually got bad connotations and insulting queries:

    “So… You’re a Magician? Do you do kid’s birthday parties an’ such?”

    Christ on a Cracker! My Dad always showed more restraint and patience for such idiots than I would have.

    When some of my ‘old friends’ found out that I was (almost) a Navy SEAL, the first thing they would ask me:

    “So…Lance, How many men have you killed?”
    “None yet, but you could be my first”
    (I never actually said that, but I really wanted to…)

    Great photo Laura.

    • Thank you for sharing a bit of your story and history. I can’t believe anyone would ask if you’d killed anyone! That is quite shocking. My blogging friend was being silly when she said that and she knew I never wanted to be a wedding photographer. But I’m just letting everyone else know lol. It’s very cool about your dad being a magician. I dated one once and he would NOT divulge anything and it drove me nuts ;).

  22. What a wonderful shot. It has something dreamy and “otherworldly”. ❤

  23. It do seem like someone is trying to tell you something…. O_o

  24. You have outdone yourself, you turned a great photograph into a work of art!

  25. Oh dear, hahaha. It’s hilarious that you were stopped in your tracks by a wedding two times. I don’t think you offered them any congratulatory words 😀 Amazing shot of the valley, love the soft golden hues. The plants and bushes look so soft and fluffy…but in real life I don’t think they are 🙂

  26. I love the image you captured… and I hope you look into the wedding photography thing… maybe some one is dropping the hint and you’re not getting it… but then this photo does show your ability… brilliant…

    • Thank you so much….about liking my image, not the wedding photographer suggestion lol. I think it’s pushing me to be faster at taking pictures and to see things more quickly. Yeah, that sounds good. 😛

  27. Amazing picture, excellent work!

  28. OH, Laura, this is stunning. Whatever you did with this image, stirs my soul! Perhaps this is what you came there to achieve, for in my opinion, I see GOD, I see Absolute Perfection in your photo. Whoa! You nailed it! Keep up that great work. When you become ONE with that around you, your photography shows it. Love, Amy

    • Thank you Amy!! I’ve noticed that what I go to shoot is not always what I end up with! Seems like I’m definitely guided because that day I almost didn’t even go out and take pics….but I actually “heard” my voice inside me say “go!”, so I went. 🙂 hugs

      • Oh I love what I am hearing!!! And look at the GIFT you were given!! This is what happens with me too. Again today I have the urge to go walking and take my camera with, so I know magic again will happen. I am SO happy for you that this has begun in your life. Always listen to that Voice, Laura, and you will never be led wrong. xx Amy

  29. Funny story! But, the image is nothing to laugh at – brilliant! I absolutely love it! Those golden tones, so warm and glorious! The back lit grasses are simply gorgeous!

  30. You should do wedding photography…if you like working to the point of exhaustion. Maybe next time tell them you’re scouting the location for a bridal magazine haha. Then you take a few snaps of them and tell them they might end up in the mag :P.

  31. I’m delighted you got the shot before the boot!! Absolutely golden and gorgeous!!!

  32. shame you got the boot – it is a lovely setting. FYI if they don’t require a private use permit for the wedding party they can’t ask you to leave – free country and all but that does come with a bit of negativity from the wedding folks – might spoil you creative mood

  33. Great photo, Weddings, yeah go for it 🙂 I did one last summer and an other coming up this summer – no time to party.

  34. Must have been an amazing to be kick out like that because of a wedding – even twice. Nevertheless you got away with an amazing shot; a beautiful backlit scenery – and beautifully processed.

  35. Laura, thanks so much for choosing to follow Tide Line
    Still Life. I hope that my photos continue to delight you! Best, Maggie

  36. Oh my! What a stunning photo!

  37. Wonderful shot. You should have just moved away a little bit and kept shooting. 🙂

  38. Laura, didn’t you explain you were an internationally known photographer with a world-wide following that could only make their day more special by taking some more photos, as oppsoed to being thrown out like riff-raff?

  39. Have fun shooting weddings. You will enjoy

  40. I love the photo. Your post-processing is stunning. How could they kick you out? Wasn’t this a public place?
    You could have kicked them out instead:
    “Sorry, there’ll be no wedding rehearsal here until after I’ve finished my photographing.”

  41. What a lovely photo…so ethereal! The light at that 5ime of day is my absolute favorite! Too bad you got booted…I do think there may be something here…though not wedding photography for sure 🙂

  42. Gorgeous picture Laura – has to be one of my favorites!

    It seems like everyone is getting married eh.. lol

    3 times lucky perhaps?

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